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STEEL BARREL BREWING COMPANY INTO THE WILD. Steel Barrel understood that their product needed to jump out at consumers from across the aisle, so Richtergarten approached this challenge with simplicity and timelessness in mind. Americana and Frost had to convey the legacy and tradition from which the big brands had grown, yet relate to the modern sensibility of the craft beer movement (without dating itself as a “hipster beer”). Steel Barrel wanted “Americana” and the Southern Pride of the American working class to...

The challenge was to design a summer companion beer to Mantra Artisan Ales' winter beer, Guru Gish. Following a very similar design to Guru Gish, Richtergarten was to create a label that would scream "summer beer." Richtergarten chose colors that would look crisp and refreshing, as well as creamy and fluffy, and would enhance the experience of what summer feels like: sunny skies, cooling water water, the warm sun on your face, and relaxation. The tempting, delicious, juicy peach jumps out...

The Challenge The next step in Mantra Artisan Ale’s evolution in the market has been the release of a higher end 750 ml bottled product line, characterized by the same playful experimentation as always, but, this time, courting a consumer who leans toward the wine aficionado. The first release in this format was decided to be a Cassis blend (currants and tart cherries) of one of their Brettanomyces ales, Amour Rouge, a Flanders-style sour red. Mantra asked that the packaging resemble...